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journalism, content & copy

Green Typewriter

I started my career as a lawyer and transitioned to journalism after working in some of New York City's most acclaimed restaurants. For the past 20 years, I’ve been reporting on food from every angle—  restaurants and chefs, trends and lifestyle, food policy, hunger and childhood nutrition, and food justice. Clients include Fast Company, The New York Times, Food & Wine, New York Magazine, and Eater. I was hired to launch José Andrés' new Substack, Longer Tables​. 


I recently revived my blog, The Strong Buzz and you'll find it on Substack.


I have a full-service copywriting studio for the food & beverage industry where I provide all sorts of copywriting—website, bio, origin story, newsletters and more. Some of my clients include Beatrice Stein Consulting, Chef Di Culinary Coaching, and Mastiha Greek Bakery, among many moreEmail me for more information.​


My cookbook with Akhtar Nawab entitled Good For You, came out in Fall 2020 from Chronicle. 


My writing has gotten some recognition; I was included in The Best Food Writing of 2016 for the article I wrote, "Why Bakers Have Serious Mother Issues, and for Sloppy Joes in The New York Times in 2002. 


Some of my favorite clients...


Some of my favorite clips. Click to read!

Even More Clips










         Heated, April 30th, 2019






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    © by Andrea Strong

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